It’s time to fly

Have you been feeling a little down, confused or even stuck lately? I have been hearing this from so many of my clients in recent months, how there seems to be something stalling their efforts, a stagnation of their current season, leaving them feeling discouraged and weary. Perhaps it can be best described as a long, dark winter that seems just a littler harsher this year. This place where many of us have been, for far too long, it is almost like being trapped in the birth canal, an almost suffocating place of knowing something incredible and life-giving is about to happen, but then it never seems to come to fruition. But have courage and hope, because this stage is truly coming to an end. I can feel it.

Spring is upon us, with all of its promises of birth, growth and change-which is also happening in the spiritual realm. God has tried by fire, refined and equipped His “faithful ones” for the greatest launching that has been known to the earth. A release of new assignments, giftings, and a greater confidence in who He has called His sons and daughters to be.

As these exciting and transformational visions were already bubbling in my spirit earlier this month, I suddenly received this encouraging word from a friend and mighty prayer intercessor: “I saw a map of women all over the country (this message is not just for women, but it seems to be A LOT of women) who had dreams and aspirations to one day become a butterfly. Several had made it to the cocoon stage, but somehow over the last few years became stuck there. I saw the Lord using you (Jessica) and your team to call them out, waking them up in this sleepy cocoon phase and they began breaking forth and breaking out. I saw a huge field of beautiful butterflies coming out of their cocoons in a single day; spreading their wings and flying away.”

I believe this is the hour we are in, my friends. It is time to wake up. Realize the vision God has given you is actually yours for the taking. Many have been waiting on God’s timing, which is so crucial, but this transitionary season has come to a close. It’s time to fly!

If you, your spouse, your adult daughters or any other women you know are in need of a catalyst for this release and launching, check out this women’s retreat, here in Minneapolis, MN April 28 and 29th, where I believe there will be many, many butterflies taking flight for the very first time. Space is limited so register and book your hotel room, today!

Your destiny awaits…and it all begins with a mindset.


Setting Your Mind


It’s time for a new government