What does it mean to be an apostle?

I believe we are living in an accelerated era of new giftings, callings and holy movements in the Church. God’s Spirit is on the move, and we must be ready to receive and then GO! Carrying His presence into every environment, workplace, atmosphere, and relationship, while executing the specific heavenly assignment the Almighty King has ordained for our lives.
While Jesus was on the earth His followers were called disciples, students, who were called to observe and learn as much as they could from Christ during His time in human form. But after His resurrection and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20), Jesus gave authority to His followers to go and make disciples themselves, and so they became apostles.
Many people in God’s church today, do not understand their role as an apostle or at the very least a mentor. God is raising up an anointed generation and we, those of mature age and faith, will need to mentor, train and guide these ambitious young warriors.
If you have felt an urging from the Holy Spirit that you are, indeed an apostle, meant to education, equip and encourage those newer to the faith, but you are unsure of what that means for your life or how to discover your calling, I am here for you! My God-given passion is to help people discern and find direction to fulfill their Kingdom destiny. In usually 1-3 coaching sessions you will receive clarity about your Holy Spirit blueprint for ministry. Through different assessments, discussion and prayer, you will be motivated and inspired with fresh fire for what you know God has ordained you to accomplish with your life.
So, whether you believe this message is for you or for someone you know, please prayerfully consider if you are in need of these services. I specialize in repositioning and equipping healing practitioners, pastors and ministry leaders. This is NOT counseling or life coaching, rather Holy Spirit-led, strategic advisory, to launch you down the apostolic and leadership path God has for you. It’s time. God’s grace for imparting new mantles and greater anointing is now!

You can contact me directly at drjess@kingdommindset.global to schedule an appointment or to simply request more information.
Your Kingdom destiny awaits…and it all begins with a mindset.


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